
Pet Cremation

Pet cremation is economical

Why Pet Cremation?

Pet cremation is the same process as cremation for humans. It has the same advantages and potential drawbacks as when you consider cremation on a human level.

Pet cremation is economical. Burial can be expensive. While the laws in some communities may allow you to bury your pet in your own backyard, other states require you to bury your pet in an official pet cemetery, which often doesn’t come cheaply. Pet cremation costs are more modest and represent a more economical approach.

Cremation may immediately sound like the more complicated option, but this isn’t the case. There are hundreds of pet crematoriums across the country that offer these services.

The Benefits of Pet Cremation?

Members of APPCC (Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematoria) follow strict guidelines and even go through the procedures with you or a family member. Scheduled time for the cremation, ask to see inside the machine to ensure that it is clean and watch the process from a safe distance.

Individual cremation is the only way to guarantee that the ashes are not contaminated – all belongings should be returned to the owner. Communal cremation means several pets are cremated together and buried or scattered in a licensed garden. Mass cremation means mass incineration at a waste disposal site.

Why Choose Pet Cremation Services

Memorial Options

The ashes of a pet can be scattered or kept in a number of forms. Displaying an urn is traditional, but you might also incorporate some of the ashes into memorial jewelry or glasswork, or scatter the ashes in a place the pet loved.

Low Cost

Compared to the cost of finding a place in a pet cemetery and other approved disposal methods, pet cremation is usually much more economical.


The process of cremation is easy and convenient. All you'll need to do is deliver your pet to the facility, and you'll receive a packet of ashes in return. This is easier than digging a hole or making arrangements for burial.


As mentioned above, many area prohibit burying pets in private yards. This is because they don't want to risk you hitting a water, gas, or sewer pipe and causing damage.

Protect Groundwater

An improperly buried pet can actually cause contamination of the nearby groundwater. Cremated remains are much friendlier to the environment, so even if you scatter the ashes, they won't do damage in this way.

Burial Urns


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