
Artistic Cremation Urns

find an urn that represents the deceased

Custom and Artistic Cremation Urns

Traditional burial urns can seem boring. They are similar in shape to designs that have existed for a long time. They are typically made of materials that are meant to last, steel, aluminum, brass, wood and ceramic, to name a few. But that doesn't have to be the case.

Traditionally, people preferred to be buried, however that is changing rapidly, It is expected within the next ten years that 60% of American will choose to be cremated. So, the question is: Is a custom urn appropriate or desired? The first thing to understand is that an artistic urn may be more expensive. This is for several reasons. Custom urns are, more often than not, handcrafted. They use unique materials and they can also resemble art pieces more than they do an urn.

Tailored To The Individual

Urns don't have to be traditional or 'boring' to be pieces of honor. The real key is to find an urn that represents the deceased individual. What were there passions? What gave their life meaning? That's the urn that will honor their memory.

Custom urns come in many different sizes, shapes and materials. Let's examine a few and then move on to specialty urns.

Custom Wood Urns

Wood is durable, classic and because of the variations in color, texture and size, it can be exciting and very non-traditional. Take the example to the right, a hand-turned Black Locust burl wood urn that is custom in every way.

Now contrast that to the wood urn to the left, an Olive inlayed urn with purple minerals and gold with an amethyst top. Both are beutiful pieces and clearly different from traditional urns.

Wood cremation urns can have very modern designs and their craftmanship can include other materials. The tilted urn is unique and a beautifully balanced piece.

Ceramic Urns

Ceramic urns can be stunning in design and appearance. They can look like works of art. Below are three handmade urns that would fit in with any decor.

Even ceramic urns that are produced in more limited runs can be stunning.


So, the deceased spent his whole life a baseball fan, season tickets, autographed balls, cards—the whole works. What better way to honor that passion than with an urn that will forever tell his or her story.

But maybe it was something a bit different. Maybe she was a dancer or he a football player. Regardless, there are custom urns to remind us daily who that person was.

Maybe the deceased was a musician. Well, there's an urn for that.

The point is, there are artistic burial urns suitable for those who were passionate in life about something, who dedicated their life to it, and who are represented by it. What better way to celebrate them than with a custom urn?


Burial Urns


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